Use These Winter Driving Tips To Lower Your Insurance Rate

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It’s conventional for your insurance company to offer you a rate discount after you’ve driven for three years without any accidents. If you live in an area with harsh winters, you might be concerned that winter driving will increase your likelihood of being in an accident that prevents you from being eligible for a safe-driver discount. While it’s true that winter driving can often be more dangerous, you can take several steps to prepare for inclement road conditions to maximize your safety—and keep you eligible for a rate drop in the future. Read More»

Three Easy Ways That You Can Reduce Your Auto Insurance Bills

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The average American pays a little more than $900 per year for his or her auto insurance policy. If you like the idea of paying even less, there are many ways to accomplish your goal. You don’t have to cancel your existing policy and compare different quotes online to get a better rate; while often effective, this strategy takes up your valuable time. Instead, you can benefit from talking to your insurance agency representative to discuss getting a discount or change your driving habits to put yourself in line for a price drop. Read More»

3 Mistakes That Can Cause You To Spend More On Car Insurance Than You Have To

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As a driver, you have probably had car insurance for years. You might think that you’re pretty much a pro at it by now, but there’s a chance that you are making some common mistakes with your coverage. These mistakes can cost you a lot of money, so it’s important to check out this list and make sure that you aren’t making any of them. 1. Being Too Loyal You may have been with the same insurance company for a long time, and you might not have even thought about shopping around for coverage elsewhere. Read More»

What A First-Time Driver Should Know About Auto Insurance

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Are you proud to be a new driver and finally be able to get around without having to depend on someone else? If you have not invested in auto insurance yet, it is wise for you to park your vehicle until you have coverage if you don’t want to get into legal trouble. Discover below a few important things about auto insurance that can help you choose the most ideal type of coverage for your needs. Read More»

Renters Insurance For College Students FAQ

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As a college student, you have a lot of decisions to make when you leave home for school. Whether or not you should get renters insurance to protect your possessions is one of those decisions. If you are thinking of getting coverage, here is what you need to know. Is Renters Insurance Necessary? Whether or not you opt for renters insurance depends on your situation. If you plan to stay on-campus, there is a possibility that coverage is provided through the school’s insurance provider. Read More»