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Recreational Toys Require Extra Insurance

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Many people buy their home when they are first starting their families. They work with the insurance agent to find coverage for their needs. However, as your family grows you may add more recreational toys to your home. You will also need to update your insurance agent to make sure that you are adequately covered:

Swimming Pool

If you install a swimming pool in your backyard you will need to contact your insurance agent immediately. This is true whether you have a permanent pool installed or only put up a temporary pool for the summer months.

The insurance agency will probably require that you prove you are following all state and local laws regarding your swimming pool, especially proper fencing laws. The insurance agent will recommend that you raise your personal liability limit to around $500,000. You may also want to consider an additional "umbrella policy" that will cover your personal liability. These policies are generally suggested to be at least one million dollars.

If your swimming pool is temporary and only installed and active for one or two months of the year you may be able to get a short umbrella policy so that you are not paying for the coverage for the whole year.

Finally, you may want to make sure that your homeowner's policy will cover any damage that occurs to your permanent swimming pool. That way you can get the pool fixed by putting a claim on your insurance should something happen.


Talk with your insurance agency before you purchase or install a trampoline. Many policies specifically do not cover trampolines. If you get a trampoline without talking to your agency first, they might cancel your coverage completely.

There are some ways that you can work with your insurance agency to have homeowner's coverage and get the trampoline you have always wanted. First, consider having an in-ground trampoline. Having the trampoline even with the ground cuts down on the risk of serious falls.

Installing secure netting around the trampoline will also help you with your insurance, especially if you get a lock that prevents the people from getting on the tramp when you don't want them to. A trampoline is considered an "attractive nuisance." That means it is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure that neighbors are not using it. Fence your whole yard. Install a 6-foot privacy fence with a locked gate around your yard. This will help show your insurance agent that you are serious about safety.

To learn more, contact a company like Mid-Alliance Insurance Associates LLC with any questions you have.
