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3 Tips For Lowering Your Home Insurance Premiums

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Home insurance is one of the most important things that you can have if you are a homeowner. This is because home insurance can protect you in the event of a break-in, natural disaster, or even vandalism. Installing a security system, bundling your policies, and customizing your coverage are all great ways to get the protection you need without having to pay more than you have to.

Customizing Coverage

One of the easiest ways to lower your home insurance premiums is to actually sit down with your agent and customize your coverage. This is important because many people's insurance coverage will have a few parts of their policy that will not really help them out. 

For example, home insurance will typically provide a wide range of coverage in the event that something is stolen from your home. However, that coverage is spread out across multiple categories, such as artwork, jewelry, collectibles, and electronics. The problem with this is that you could be spending money to cover jewelry and artwork when you don't really have anything of value in those areas.

In that situation, you can ask your agent to cut down on the coverage in those areas or remove that coverage entirely. At that point, you can either take the savings or you can boost the coverage in a category that you actually have valuable items in, such as electronics.

Security System

Another easy way to lower your home insurance premiums is by installing a security system. This is because the insurance company knows that the security system will reduce the risks of anyone breaking into your home, which reduces the chances that the insurance company will need to pay for a claim.

However, if you want the savings, make sure to remember to let insurance company or your agent know once the system has been installed so that the discount can be applied. It is quite common for people to forget this step and miss out on the savings.


Finally, bundling your various insurance policies with a single company is a great way to get a discount on every policy. For example, an agent will often be willing to negotiate a better price for you if you are willing to transfer any auto, recreational vehicle, and life insurance policies that you may have along with buying a home insurance policy. 

Speak to your insurance agent today in order to discuss the many discounts that he or she can offer. By bundling various insurance policies with a single insurance company, installing a security system, and customizing your coverage you can lower your home insurance premium and save quite a bit of money.
