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Does Your Home Insurance Cost Seem Sky High? Talk With Your Agent About Discounts You Could Be Missing

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If you think you are paying too much for home insurance, you could be missing out on policy discounts that you're already eligible for. You can lower your insurance rate just by talking with your insurance agent.  Go over discounts they offer policy holders and finding out what you have been missing out on.

As you make changes around your house, fix things and improve security, you improve the structure and lower the chances of accidents and claims. Here are a few reasons why you could be ready for a discount but you missed out.

Appliance Upgrades

Have you recently upgraded an old furnace or hot water heater, or replaced an old stove? If so, getting rid of an appliance that could be a fire hazard or an appliance that is at the risk of having a leak or another problem can lower the rate of your homeowner's insurance. Let the insurance provider know when you make an upgrade, because it also may improve the value of your house.

A New Roof

A new roof is going to prevent your home from having a roof leak, and an impact resistant material like metal will protect your house from fallen tree branches and high winds. If you get a new roof that gets a top fire safety rating, you should be able to get a discount on your homeowners insurance rate. You could possibly a tax credit for picking an energy efficient roof, depending on what credits are available in the state where you live and the roof.

Added Authority Locations Near You

If a new fire station just went up by your home, it's more likely they can get to your house quickly to put out a fire. If a police station just got relocated around you, it's less likely that intruders and burglars are going to be wandering nearby.  These and other similar changes should be brought to the attention of your insurance agent.

If you have never made a claim and you have been with the same insurance provider for several years, ask if you get a discount for going so long without a claim. You may also get a discount if you pay for the policy in full at the beginning of the year, instead of paying it monthly with your mortgage. Talk with your agent and take pictures of any changes you've made so you can document the upgrades, and shop around for the lowest rate. 
