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The 4 Benefits Of Comprehensive Auto Insurance

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Comprehensive auto insurance goes above and beyond what a typical liability policy will include. It provides many add-ons and extras to give you the best possible coverage, whether you have your car stolen or are in a serious accident. Here are some different benefits of choosing this type of auto insurance policy.  

Storm Damage

With a regular auto insurance policy, you may have protection from certain perils, but not typically storm damage. However, if it is hailing out, it could cause some considerable damage on your vehicle. The comprehensive auto policy includes coverage for damage from hail. It may also include flood damage, which is another type of coverage not included in a typical liability insurance policy. Flooding could do a lot of damage to your vehicle, so it is a very beneficial area of coverage.

Roadside Assistance

Many comprehensive insurance policies offer roadside assistance, which is something you might not get with a traditional liability insurance policy. Roadside assistance includes towing services but often provides more services than that. You may get help changing a tire, getting the keys out of the car when you lock them inside or having a tow truck bring you gas if you ran out and broke down on the side of the road. If you only want roadside assistance and not the entire comprehensive policy, ask your insurance company if it is offered as an add-on for your policy. 

Stolen Car Coverage

An excellent type of coverage you get with a comprehensive insurance policy that you won't get with any other policies is having coverage for a stolen car. If your vehicle is stolen and you have liability insurance, there isn't much that can be done. This type of policy only covers minor damage from accidents, not when your car is stolen by someone. However, if you get a car stolen with a comprehensive policy, you will be able to get money back for the approximate value of your car when it was stolen. There is also coverage for severe damage to the car if the police found it, but it was wrecked.

Animal Damage

Wild animals may do some damage to your car, which will not be covered by a liability policy. Basic liability policies cover damage from collisions and fender benders, or from vandalism if you choose this as an add-on. However, it won't offer coverage if you get hit by a deer or other wild animal. In this case, you would need comprehensive insurance for help with the repairs.

For further assistance, contact local providers, such as those from Central Florida Insurance Agency of Town 'N' Country.
